Thought DB
The general idea is to create a database where
- Thoughts
- Diary
- Task's
- Analysis information
- etc.
can be stored very easily as list of items. The items should then be easily searchable.
- Unstructured entering - Seach for retrieval
- Private or public
- Twitter, messaging like
- Use Redis as database backend.
- Use ruby with ReadLine support as one frontend.
- Use a webapplication as an alternative front end.
think>? task lounge # tab does autocompletions first on tags then on words
think>? task lounge open # tags may have priority order; entered first are most important
think>? # get the latest tags in chronological order
1. task, lounge, open 111
2. task, lounge 110
3. task, open 101
7. open 001
01: task lounge http://www.lounge
think>5 # Show first element 5
think><PgDn/PgUp> # Show next search results
think> <Dn/Up> # Show current item or first item in search result
think>e # Edit current or latest added element
think>d # Delete current or latest added element
think>d! # Delete (forced) current or latest added element
think> - The best wiki ever #link #wiki
think>link wiki: - The best wiki ever
think>link wiki - The best wiki ever
think>thinkdb analysis<shift/ctrl/alt-return>
“- “ – task that can be completed
http://, ftp:// etc – links
!http://! – inline links
“ * “ bullet
“ # “ enumeration
Blank line – paragraph break
Basic HTML
Why cancel?
This unstructured type of data is not long lived and in this case a normal wiki and text document serves the same purpose. Also see emacs orgmode.
- Tasque - Nice UI for a task application. Not project support however.
- TodoModo - Similar idea for task manager
- Scaling Redis