Programming topics!
- Death by thousands micro-services
- Programmable Web
- Programming Paradigms for
Dummies: What Every
Programmer Should Know - from Programming Languages at Uni Central Florida - hg vs. git workflow
- Why SQLite Does Not Use Git
- Why Scrum is the Wrong Way to Build Software
- Shape Up - Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters
- Competetive Programming Algorithms
- C
- Go
- Ruby and Crystal
- Python
- Java
- Haskell
- Clojure
- Erlang
- zotonic - CMS / web framework (also see Introduction to Zotonic)
- Elixir - A functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of the Erlang VM
- Web
- Generic
- Pony
- wren
- Javascript
- Neural Networks
- Software Transactional Memory - One way to implement lock-free concurrent model
- Viewpoints Research Institute - Alan Kays current job
- Programming and Scaling - Dr Alan Kay
- Jitblt: Efficient Run-time Code Generation
for Digital Compositing - Very short program for compositing graphics - Compute Software - Article in Scientific American by Alan Kay
- Floss Weekly: Dan Ingals - Completely great episode about the history of computing. Steve Jobs at Xeriox Park looking at the new SmallTalk system.
- SE Radio: The Singularity Research OS with Galen Hunt - What you get when you use static checking and type safety in OS creation.
- SE Radio: Joe Armstrong on Erlang - Great insights about history and motivation for erlang
- SE Radio: Interview Dave Thomas - General view of language complexity and history.
- SE Radio: Dick Gabriel on Lisp - Background of one of programmings foundations, Lisp.
- Kurzweil AI
- Stanford: Machine Learning
- Microservices check size
- Rich Hickeys Greatest hits
- A pub/sub alternative
- Programmable CAD