Useful Links
- TrendAnalys
- Karl Valves Blog
- HackerNytt.SE
- - My local windsurfing club.
- Guy Cribbs Magazine Articles - The best beginners instructions for windsurfers.
- Moves videos - Quite a large collection of videos from jibes to flakas.
ANT protocol - low power wireless sensors
OpenBSD is famous for it's security, correctness (both code and documentation) and openness. And in the long run it is really simple to use.
FreeBSD the most common and widely supported BSD version.
- - The latest news from the BSD community.
- - O'Reilly's BSD section.
- - A desktop BSD based on FreeBSD
The most beutiful and easy to use OS MacOS X based on a stable FreeBSD foundation.
- QNX - QNX is the coolest realtime OS featuring microkernel which enables a fully scalable and stable RTOS.
- OpenMoko - open source software for mobile phones.
- Apple Internal's
- Why are modern operating systems so complicated?
- - Technology blog
- The H open source news
- Barrelfish OS
- Linux Weather Forecast
- - Latest attempt to build a microkernel OS.
Programming Languages
- Smalltalk and Squeak - Squeak is a full environment built only using Smalltalk language. Smalltalk has very simple syntax but at same time is very powerful and compact. Squeak contains all the development tools you need as well as some other applications and games. It runs on top of most OS'es. Using Squeak is the easiest way to start developing in Smalltalk which all should try at least once. Smalltalk was invented by Alan Kay and it was designed so that his 5 year old son should be able to develop programs using it. Also check out DabbleDB developed in Seaside.
Ruby is inspired by Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. Ruby is interpreted, dynamically typed and addheres to "everything is and object" as in Smalltalk. Ruby programs are ofter very compact. The new popular web framework RubyOnRails are also based on Ruby. See Ruby Inside for latest Ruby/RoR news. See sample RoR applications here
- Keep It DRY, Shy, and Tell the Other Guy insightful general guideline on how to write "good" OO software.
- The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game - LLVM Low Level VM - Used as backend for e.g. OpenCL.
- Software Engineering Radio
- HTML5 Rocks
- Bro Network Security Language
Web Design
- Lift - webframework that combine the simplicity of Rails and performance of Java.
- HTML5 Rocks!
- The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research The future of computer hardware and programming.
- MIT Technology Review
- Hierarchical Temporal Memory
- Mobile Health News
- Kaggle - We’re making data science a sport
- Gartner Hype Cycle
Cool products
- The Verge
- SoundBridge - A audio media renderer that looks great, has superior audio quality, the best interoperability and is really affordable. If you need to play digitally stored music on your stereo just buy it! In Sweden you can buy e.g. here
- artlebedev
- Palm-V
- AKG K450 Headphones - Great sound, comfortable and portable.
- kickstarter - Kickstarter and which is a marketplace for Kickstarter projects.
- Quirky - Let innovators ideas become a reality
Cool Software
- LyX - Graphical document editor frontend for LaTeX. See 2.0 review.
Ableton Live - Innovative music creation software developed in Berlin.
- Netbeans - I pioneered using this IDE for Java in 1998 and even visited them at location in Prague.
- Yahoo Pipes
- AlternativeTo
- Askozia PBX - Simple embedded telephony solution
- Ledger Accounting
- I use this - Famous peoples desktop setups.
- ceph storage system
- yEd - Better that Visio and free. Also check out Graphwiz CLI tool.
- pandoc - "a universal document converter". Also see how $\LaTeX$ can be combined with pandoc, Easy LaTeX with Markdown and Pandoc
- bedrock - fast, reliable and clustered database based on sqlite
- Flow Game
- LineRider
- Kongregate Games
- The Essential 50 Archives
- SodaPlay
- Peter Wahlbeck
- Scott Haefner Kite Photography
- nBot
- Know Your Meme
- xkcd - nerdy, handdraws comics
- Causual Gameplay
- MAKEzine - Do it yourself projects
- OpenPilot project
- 1000 Awesome things
- Boing Boing
- Evil Mad Scientist Labs
- BestCafes
- JacksonPollock
- This is Colossal - A blog of Art and Visual Ingenuity
- THE RECODE PROJECT - An active archive of computer art
- Susan Kare Graphics Design
- Kurt Wenner artist
- Tabler Icons
- Accounting for Computer Scientists
- Inside Google
- - Wired journalist Kevin Kellys home page. Lots of interesting information especially the Tools reviews
DMI weather
- Paul Graham Essays
- Jean Giraud aka Moebius
- World Statistics
- Wolfram|Alpha
- Nate Silver - Stats Guru who blogs and writes books about it
- 12 lessons from Steve Jobs - Guy Kawasaki