Done TODO's
- Remove Home tab. Main logo should point to home (Peter)
- Limit uploaded images to resonable size and format (Peter)
- Show team in header also when viewing infopages (Peter)
- Add password in login (Peter)
- Add input field validators (more) . Validation team, person and member has been introduced. (Peter)
- Handle formatting on meeting description. Currently an infopage object is used for meeting description. Layout on meeeting comments was also improved. (Peter)
- Stange behaviour on /mainsite/ when editing search field another field is in focus (Peter)
- Add news (Peter)
- Add location for team e.g. "kommun". This can be used for localized advertizement. (Peter)
- Show team info under /teamsite/show. Also allow edit of team info here. (Peter)
- Handle teamnames with space e.g. 'Klootzak Winners'. Search and teamsite URL must work with this name. team.shortname was not needed. (Peter)
- Fix åäö problem (UnicodeRails) (Peter+Anders)
- Add search to /team/list view (TextSearch) (Peter)
- Navigation tabs (Anders+Peter)
- Restructure mainpage in 4 parts (Anders+Peter)
- Import members and meetings. (Peter)
- Create nice tabs (see e.g. link). (Anders+Peter)
- Remove positive notice feedback. (Peter)
- XHTML Strict fixes (XHTMLFixes).
- Rules page (see more) (Anders+Peter)
- Equal columnheights (Anders)
- Add user forum. (Peter)
- Limit number of participants to max.
- Footer manager references managers page instead of mailto reference.
- "latest news" increased to one month
- Add new help controller that is adapted for team ** Add tips/template page for infopages. Ready to use clips for e.g. scorecard (adapted for team) could be included. (Anders)
- Add help text to import controller (Peter)
- Make upload links nicer by adding upload icon to them (via CSS) (Peter)
- Create AdSense account. Add small ads in sidebar (Anders)
- Hack CSS. Optimize layout and looks overall.(EManLayout)
- Screenshots OR tour page for increased understanding
- Translate to swedish (see globalize plugin) (Anders)
- Move to production server (Peter)
- Bug: Edit of member infopages was not possible (Peter)
- Bug: Tabs not shown when going via meeting link in reminder mail. (Peter)
- Bug: Remove of members generates "application error" when showing meeting. (Peter)
- Add automatic reminders (EmanMail)
- Fix layout of buttons on IE6 (Peter)
- News/forum should be in reverse chronlogical order (Peter)
- Gray-out meetings in the past (Peter)
- Add support for members in several teams! (Peter)
- Manual activation of mailaccounts to avoid fake mails. This will also be an invitation to all members. Some instructions should be included in mail. Password shall be possible to change. Activation flag ("Do you accept mail reminders") should be settable. (Peter)
- Limit length of team name (decrease font) (Peter)
- Bring a friend. Support non members invitation. (Peter)
- Add administrator account which allows teams to be removed and also edited easily. (Peter)
- Handle dead activation and team links e.g. when team has been removed. (Peter)
- Allow pictures to be changed. Add "Ändra" knapp vid sidan om bilder. (Peter)
- Add more info on main page (Peter)
- Appointment status for next meeting
- Add "In 2 days" for meeting details
- Add more into in invitation mails (Peter)
- Send optional information mail to opposite team. Organic development. (Peter)
- Improve forms (Peter)
- Translate form field messages to swedish and make the look nicer.
- Decrease spacing between fields vertically
- Add support for recurrent meetings (Peter)
- Move to RoR 2.0.2 (Peter)
- Filter out historic meetings. Add show all button to show all again. (pagination is improved in RoR 1.2) (Peter)
- Allow several managers. Role "temporary manager". This role may be removed by original manager. Enable "original manager" to be replaced.
- Administrator cannot edit member. (2008-03-30)
- Translation misses
- "comments" to "kommentarer"
- "min length" to "skall inte vara ..."
- Hours to next meeting seems wrong with one hour.
- Skip reminder when meetings are added after reminder time.
- Late removoval (after invitation) of meetings should be a cancellation which is notified through mail.
- Enable member access in "Fotbollslandslaget"
- Manager accept meetings for members. Directly in member list.
- Support lost passwords. User get a new one on email
- Forum seems to crash in "Peters lag" after removing Ola Nockhammar. Probably forum references to removed member.
- Self remove of members also result in a crash. Automatig logout solved the problem.
- Add statistics (2008-04-02)
- RSS support with mobile meeting view support. RSS feed should work for meeting acceptance. (2008-04-20)
- iCalendar support for meetings. See vPim. Both for import of whole schedule and single meetings to other calendar applications.
- Major security problem. Login is possible just by changing member id in member/edit.
- Improve forms
- Make sure that only email is needed for member import.
- Correct XHTML, CSS, RSS.
- Add "vilande" member.
- Add "help-popup" in many places to enable new members to be introduced easier. Always inform before activation mails is sent out! "Tillåt mailutskick" ej betyder spam, kom igång etc.
- Capitals not allowed in email addresses. Add documentation.
- Show if activation mail has been sent out in member.
- Fixed hour skew problem with winter/summer time
- Redesign dittlag logo (top graphics). Landscape of sports, bouncing ball, Just a nice logo with catchline, Date location widget, fish team a la Ernie, barbapapas, butterfly. example
- Add optional forum thread for each meeting. Add "disuss this meeting" link in meeting + add the thread.
- Add firefox affiliates logo SpreadFirefox
- Direct import of members through textinput. Only commaseparated emails should be supported.
- Improve forum support
- Add meeting forum
- Forum comments on main page
- Nices complience buttons link
- Move to RoR 2.2.2
- Addressbook for printing
- Message reminder status should be shown.
- Setup dittlag blog
- Add features page on mainsite
- Add help pages for other parts of the application
(besides infopage & import).
- Promote user comments and interaction
- Anonoumous comments in forum. Use some kind of captcha (Captcha in 10 minutes, SimpleCaptcha or Akismet, SPLAM).
- Add favicon.ico to rails application. And possibly rewrite rule.
- Meeting discussion requires unique meeting summaries to be unique.
- RSS order fixed.
- Add calendar view of meetings.
- Use vertical linear view for monthly and calenday view for yearly.
- Use Calendar Grid helper for simplicity. Every day with at least one meetings should highlighted.
- Gray out "vilande members".
- Support textile and smilies in forum, team overview. See Smilies in Rails, Confluence Emoticons and WordPress Emoticons.
- It is possible to upload/change images without being logged in in infopages.
- Remove add_appointments in meeting/show to improve performace
- Add references to blog in help.
- Prohibit imagas upload/change for non-members
- Replace lighttpd with passenger and nginx to improve performance
- Color/icon for quick view in list/calendar view
- Support for multiple infopages. Add new menu under Info tab.
- Markup does not work in forum
- Coloricons does not work in IE. Should icons be moved last to avoid space difference when used and not used?
- 'Händelsers' seems not to show the latest events when no new events are present.
- Escape name in team goto link e.g. to support dots.