[[!redirects InstikiImageHandling]]
Improved content upload support in Instiki
Now I think there is a relation between name given when image was inserted and the file name used when the file was uploaded. (TODO: Check that this is the case). For some reason file links are sometimes lost during upgrades in some cases.
- Mephisto have good content upload support.
- Latest version of instiki has passenger support for file uploads.
- Investigate new content upload support.
- It would also be nice if file upload could be done externally e.g. via ssh.
File database schema
File upload schema
create_table "wiki_files", :force => true do |t|
t.column "created_at", :datetime, :null => false
t.column "updated_at", :datetime, :null => false
t.column "web_id", :integer, :null => false
t.column "file_name", :string, :null => false
t.column "description", :string, :null => false
Example data
id, created_at, updated_at, web_id, file_name, description
2, 2007-11-28 20:28:06, 2007-11-28 20:28:06, 1, wiki-textile-2007-11-28-20-10-34.zip,
8, 2008-02-26 00:00:32, 2008-02-26 00:00:32, 1, fractal_cow.png,
The file name specified on the file link is used and not the local file name at upload