Haskell Chess
Haskell chess is a simple two player chess application.
The purpose of this project was to create a "simple" game using Haskell and gloss.
Gloss makes it easy to generate graphical simulations, animations and even games in Haskell using OpenGL graphics. Because I haven't used gloss (or Haskell for that matter) for games before, I thought I would start with something simple.
The project was quite straight forward. Gloss also includes a number of example applications (gloss-examples) which you can start from.
The "Hello World" of haskell gloss looks like the following.
main = display (InWindow "Hello World" (400, 150) (10, 10)) white picture
picture = Translate (-170) (-20) -- shift the text to the middle of the window
$ Scale 0.5 0.5 -- display it half the original size
$ Text "Hello World" -- text to display
The main function has a single call to display.
display :: Display -> Color -> Picture -> IO ()
It requires you to define the Display window, a background color and a picture to be shown on the display window.
is a function that must return a Picture datatype, which is the basic datatype for all graphics in gloss.
The main difference from a generating a simple static image (like the hello world example) is that in a game you also need to define a state datatype which holds the game state. The picture
function (which generate the output graphics) in this case take the State
as input parameter to generate the picture.
drawWorld :: State -> Picture
In addition you need to define one event handler function and one world stepper function.
handleEvent :: Event -> State -> State
stepWorld :: Float -> State -> State
The handleEvent
function takes an input event (mouse or keyboard), the current game state and return an updated game state. stepWorld
takes time passed since last stepWorld
call, the current state and return an updated game state.
So, the structure of a game in gloss is really simple. You define one function for the initial state, one event handler function , one function "stepper" function and one function which outputs graphics. The main function in Haskell Chess looks like the following.
main = do
boardWidth = 500
maxTime = 900
gfx <- loadGraphics
(InWindow "Haskell Chess" (600, 650) (0,0))
(initialState maxTime)
(drawWorld gfx boardWidth)
I have one IO call to loadGraphics
before the call to play
, which load all graphics used in the game into a list. It makes use of an additional module Graphics.Gloss.Juicy, which is a helper library to allow different types of image formats to be loaded into gloss (gloss only support BMP format).
The major part of the game is the game logic (drawPiece
) for controlling the chess rules. I considered to ignore rules completely and allow all types of moves and captures on the board. The problem with including rules is that its all or nothing. You need to support all rules to allow all kinds of draws to be made. So you must include rules for en passant, pawn promotion and castling as well as the basic chess rules.
Still, I have simplified some parts. I automatically choose a queen on pawn promotion (this should be fixed). Also I don't determine if it is check mate or draw in the end of the game (thats up the humans to determine). But I think this is enough to make the game playable and enough learning lesson for me on how to create simple games in Haskell and Gloss.
The final code is included below. Its around 450 lines of code.
{- Copyright (c) 2013, Peter Ljung <ljung.peter@gmail.com>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby
granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import Data.Maybe (maybe, catMaybes, fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import System.IO (FilePath)
import Graphics.Gloss.Juicy
{- Chess game between two human players on a single computere.
Game rules is verified durint play, but draw and checkmate is not detected.
Compile: ghc -O2 Chess.hs
Optimize: strip Chess -o ChessStrip
Run: ./Chess -}
main = do
boardWidth = 500
maxTime = 900
gfx <- loadGraphics
(InWindow "Haskell Chess" (600, 650) (0,0))
(initialState maxTime)
(drawWorld gfx boardWidth)
type BoardWidth = Float
type Board = Map.Map Pos Piece
type Pos = (Int, Int) -- (col, row)
data PColor = White | Black deriving (Eq, Show)
data PType = King | Rook | Bishop | Queen | Knight | Pawn deriving (Eq, Show)
data PState = Init | TwoStep | Moved deriving (Eq, Show)
data Piece = Piece { ptype :: PType
, pcolor :: PColor
, pstate :: PState } deriving (Eq, Show)
data Marker = Marker { position :: Pos
, selected :: Maybe Pos }
data Player = Player { name :: String
, timeLeft :: Float
, col :: PColor
, captured :: [Piece] }
data State = State { board :: Board
, marker :: Marker
, whitePlayer :: Player
, blackPlayer :: Player
, current :: PColor
, message :: String }
tBlue = makeColor8 0 102 255 128
tGreen = makeColor8 51 255 0 128
-- Helpers to handle pieces on the board
setPiece :: Pos -> Piece -> Board -> Board
setPiece = Map.insert
updatePiece :: (Piece -> Piece) -> Pos -> Board -> Board
updatePiece = Map.adjust
getPiece :: Pos -> Board -> Maybe Piece
getPiece = Map.lookup
dropPiece :: Pos -> Board -> Board
dropPiece = Map.delete
movePiece :: Pos -> Pos -> Board -> Board
movePiece from to b = setPiece to p $ dropPiece from b where p = fromJust $ getPiece from b
setMarker :: Pos -> State -> State
setMarker p s = s { marker = (marker s) { position = p } }
setMessage :: String -> State -> State
setMessage m s = s { message = m }
-- Set selected if marker is on a valid piece
setSelected :: Maybe Pos -> State -> State
setSelected Nothing s = s { marker = (marker s) { selected = Nothing } }
setSelected (Just p) s = if valid then s' else s where
piece = getPiece p (board s)
valid = isJust piece && (pcolor (fromJust piece) == current s)
s' = s { marker = (marker s) { selected = Just p } }
-- Move pos marker, but make sure move is not outside board
movePos :: Pos -> SpecialKey -> Pos
movePos (a,b) KeyLeft = if (a > 0) then (a-1,b) else (a,b)
movePos (a,b) KeyRight = if (a < 7) then (a+1,b) else (a,b)
movePos (a,b) KeyUp = if (b > 0) then (a,b-1) else (a,b)
movePos (a,b) KeyDown = if (b < 7) then (a,b+1) else (a,b)
movePos p _ = p
-- Move piece according to marker position if valid move. Assumes that a piece has been selected
-- This happen when the user has selected a piece and drop it on a new location
drawPiece :: State -> State
drawPiece s | (isNothing b') = setMessage "Invalid" $ s
| (isCheck s') = setMessage "Check" $ s
| otherwise = setMessage "" $ stepCurrent s' where
b = board s
b' = stepBoard b
s' = s { board = fromJust b' }
-- Update board state if possible
stepBoard :: Board -> Maybe Board
stepBoard b
| isEnPassant = Just $ movePiece p0 p1 $ dropPiece (fst p1, snd p0) b
| isPromotion = Just $ movePiece p0 p1 $ updatePiece (promotePiece Queen) p0 b
| isCapture = Just $ movePiece p0 p1 $ updatePiece (stepPState p0 p1) p0 b
| isCastling = let (r0, r1) = castlingRookMove (p0, p1) in Just $ movePiece r0 r1 $ movePiece p0 p1 b
| isMove = Just $ movePiece p0 p1 $ updatePiece (stepPState p0 p1) p0 b
| otherwise = Nothing
(p0, p1) = (fromJust $ selected $ marker s, position $ marker s)
piece = fromJust $ getPiece p0 b
capture = getPiece p1 b
isValid = (pcolor piece == current s) &&
(distance p0 p1 > 0) &&
(isJust $ getPiece p0 b)
isPathClear = pathClear b p0 p1 piece
isMove = isValid &&
isPathClear &&
(isNothing $ getPiece p1 b) &&
(validMove piece p0 p1)
isCapture = isValid &&
isPathClear &&
(isJust $ capture) &&
(pcolor $ fromJust $ capture) /= (current s) &&
(validCapture piece p0 p1)
isEnPassant = let cpawn = getPiece (fst p1, snd p0) b
in (isJust cpawn) && -- there's a piece to capture
((pstate $ fromJust cpawn) == TwoStep) && -- there's a pawm that has moved TwoStep
(validCapture piece p0 p1)
isPromotion = (isMove || isCapture) &&
(ptype piece == Pawn) && -- it's a pawn
(snd p1 == 0 || snd p1 == 7) -- move is to final line
isCastling = let (r0, r1) = castlingRookMove (p0, p1)
rook = getPiece r0 b
in isValid &&
(pathClear b p0 r0 piece) && -- check that path is clear
(ptype piece == King) && -- check that piece is the king
(pstate piece == Init) && -- check that king has not moved
(isJust $ rook) && -- check that rook has not moved
((pstate $ fromJust rook) == Init) &&
(fst p1 == 2 || fst p1 == 6) -- check that target square is correct
-- Get rook move from king move in castling
castlingRookMove :: (Pos, Pos) -> (Pos, Pos)
castlingRookMove (p0, p1) = let r = snd p0
in if (fst p0 < fst p1) then ((7, r), (5, r))
else ((0, r), (3, r))
-- Step PState according to move from a to b
stepPState :: Pos -> Pos -> Piece -> Piece
stepPState a b p = if (ptype p == Pawn && distance a b == 2) then p { pstate = TwoStep } else p { pstate = Moved }
-- Board distance in number of (diagonal or horizontal steps
distance :: Pos -> Pos -> Int
distance (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = max (abs $ c1-c0) (abs $ r1-r0)
-- Check that board is clear between two board positions (either horizontal or diagonal)
pathClear :: Board -> Pos -> Pos -> Piece -> Bool
pathClear b (c0, r0) (c1, r1) p | (ptype p == Knight) = True
| (d > 1) = (length blockers) == 0
| otherwise = True where
d = distance (c0, r0) (c1, r1)
(sc, sr) = ((c1-c0) `div` d, (r1-r0) `div` d)
ps = map (\s -> (c0+(sc*s), r0+(sr*s))) [1..(d-1)]
blockers = catMaybes $ map (\p -> getPiece p b) ps
-- Check if move piece from a to b is a valid move (assuming an empty board)
validMove :: Piece -> Pos -> Pos -> Bool
validMove (Piece King _ _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = abs (c1-c0) <= 1 && abs (r1-r0) <= 1
validMove (Piece Rook _ _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = (c1-c0) == 0 || (r1-r0) == 0
validMove (Piece Bishop _ _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = abs (c1-c0) == abs (r1-r0)
validMove (Piece Queen _ _) p0 p1 = validMove (Piece Rook Black Init) p0 p1 ||
validMove (Piece Bishop Black Init) p0 p1
validMove (Piece Knight _ _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = let (dc, dr) = (abs (c1-c0), abs (r1-r0))
in (dc == 1 && dr == 2) || (dc == 2 && dr == 1)
validMove (Piece Pawn Black _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = (c1-c0) == 0 && ( (r1-r0) == 1 || ( (r1-r0) == 2 && r0 == 1 ) )
validMove (Piece Pawn White _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = (c1-c0) == 0 && ( (r0-r1) == 1 || ( (r0-r1) == 2 && r0 == 6 ) )
validCapture :: Piece -> Pos -> Pos -> Bool
validCapture (Piece Pawn Black _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = (r1-r0) == 1 && abs (c1-c0) == 1
validCapture (Piece Pawn White _) (c0, r0) (c1, r1) = (r0-r1) == 1 && abs (c1-c0) == 1
validCapture p p0 p1 = validMove p p0 p1
-- Determine if current player is checked. Assumes that the king exist for cur player
isCheck :: State -> Bool
isCheck s = not $ Map.null checkers where
b = board s
c = current s
kingPos = head $ Map.keys $ Map.filter (\p -> ((ptype $ p) == King) &&
((pcolor $ p) == c)) $ b
checkers = Map.filterWithKey (\checkerPos p -> (pcolor p /= c) &&
(pathClear b checkerPos kingPos p) &&
(validCapture p checkerPos kingPos)) $ b
-- Change current player and clear marker and
stepCurrent :: State -> State
stepCurrent s = s { marker = (marker s) { selected = Nothing }
, current = opposite (current s) }
opposite col = if col == Black then White else Black
promotePiece :: PType -> Piece -> Piece
promotePiece new p = p { ptype = new }
-- Draw the scene
drawWorld :: [Picture] -> BoardWidth -> State -> Picture
drawWorld gfx bw s =
translate (-bw*0.5) (-bw*0.55) $ pictures $ [ drawBoard bw
, drawPieces bw gfx (board s)
, drawMarker bw (marker s)
, drawSelected bw (marker s)
, drawState bw s ]
-- Draw board with bottom left corner in origo
drawBoard :: BoardWidth -> Picture
drawBoard w =
tup a b = (a,b)
sqAt (c,r) = translate c r $ rectangleSolid 1 1
squares = (tup <$> [0,2,4,6] <*> [0,2,4,6]) ++ (tup <$> [1,3,5,7] <*> [1,3,5,7])
border = translate 3.5 3.5 $ rectangleWire 8 8
blackSquares = map sqAt squares
color (greyN 0.5) $ scale (w/8) (w/8) $ translate 0.5 0.5 $ pictures $ (border : blackSquares)
drawPieces :: BoardWidth -> [Picture] -> Board -> Picture
drawPieces bw gfx b =
translate (bw/16) (bw/16) $ pictures $ Map.elems $ Map.mapWithKey (\pos p -> toPic pos p) b
toPic :: Pos -> Piece -> Picture
toPic pos p = let (tx, ty) = translatePos bw $ pos
in translate tx ty $ pieceGfx gfx p
-- Draw marker
drawMarker :: BoardWidth -> Marker -> Picture
drawMarker bw m = let (tx, ty) = translatePos bw $ position m
marker = color tGreen $ translate tx ty $ thickCircle 27 6
in translate (bw/16) (bw/16) $ marker
-- Draw selected
drawSelected :: BoardWidth -> Marker -> Picture
drawSelected bw m = let sel = selected m
(tx, ty) = translatePos bw $ maybe (0,0) id sel
selector = color tBlue $ translate tx ty $ thickCircle 27 6
in if (isJust sel) then translate (bw/16) (bw/16) $ selector
else Blank
-- Translete to a board position, assuming that center of bottom, left square is in origo
translatePos :: BoardWidth -> Pos -> (Float, Float)
translatePos bw (c, r) = ((bw/8)*fromIntegral c, (bw/8)*fromIntegral (7-r))
-- Draw current player state
drawState :: BoardWidth -> State -> Picture
drawState bw s =
col = case (current s) of Black -> black
White -> white
pCurrent = translate (0.5*bw) (1.1*bw)
$ pictures [ color col $ rectangleSolid (bw/16) (bw/16)
, color black $ rectangleWire (bw/16) (bw/16) ]
tWhite = round (timeLeft . whitePlayer $ s)
tBlack = round (timeLeft . blackPlayer $ s)
pWhite = color (timeColor tWhite)
$ translate (0.3*bw) (1.075*bw) $ scale 0.2 0.2
$ text $ secFormatted $ tWhite
pBlack = color (timeColor tBlack)
$ translate (0.56*bw) (1.075*bw) $ scale 0.2 0.2
$ text $ secFormatted $ tBlack
secFormatted s = show (s `div` 60) ++ ":" ++ show (s `mod` 60)
timeColor sec = if (sec < 0) then red else black
pMessage = color black
$ translate (0.05*bw) ((-0.06)*bw) $ scale 0.15 0.15
$ text $ (message s)
pictures $ [pCurrent, pWhite, pBlack, pMessage]
initialState :: Float -> State
initialState timeLeft = State (Map.fromList board) marker white black White "" where
asBlack t = Piece t Black Init
asWhite t = Piece t White Init
atRow r c = (c, r)
r0 = [ Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook ]
r1 = [ Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, Pawn ]
board = zip (map (atRow 0) [0..7]) (map asBlack r0) ++
zip (map (atRow 1) [0..7]) (map asBlack r1) ++
zip (map (atRow 6) [0..7]) (map asWhite r1) ++
zip (map (atRow 7) [0..7]) (map asWhite r0)
marker = Marker (0,0) Nothing
black = Player "Black Player" timeLeft Black []
white = Player "White Player" timeLeft White []
handleEvent :: Event -> State -> State
handleEvent (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _) s = setMarker (movePos (position . marker $ s) KeyUp) s
handleEvent (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _) s = setMarker (movePos (position . marker $ s) KeyDown) s
handleEvent (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyLeft) Down _ _) s = setMarker (movePos (position . marker $ s) KeyLeft) s
handleEvent (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyRight) Down _ _) s = setMarker (movePos (position . marker $ s) KeyRight) s
handleEvent (EventKey (SpecialKey KeySpace) Down _ _) s -- Space toggle selection, or draw piece
| isNothing sel = setSelected (Just pos) s
| pos == fromJust sel = setSelected Nothing s
| otherwise = drawPiece s
sel = selected . marker $ s
pos = position . marker $ s
handleEvent e s = s
stepWorld :: Float -> State -> State
stepWorld dt s@(State _ _ w _ White _) = s { whitePlayer = w { timeLeft = (timeLeft w - dt) } }
stepWorld dt s@(State _ _ _ b Black _) = s { blackPlayer = b { timeLeft = (timeLeft b - dt) } }
-- Load all graphics used in the game
loadGraphics :: IO [Picture]
loadGraphics = do
gfx <- mapM loadJuicy gfxFiles
return (catMaybes gfx)
gfxFiles :: [String]
gfxFiles = map (("gfx/"++) . (++"50.png")) $ (map (++"b") fs) ++ (map (++"w") fs) where
fs = ["k","r","b","q","n","p"]
pieceGfx :: [Picture] -> Piece -> Picture
pieceGfx gfx (Piece t c _) =
ts = [ King, Rook, Bishop, Queen, Knight, Pawn ]
color c t = Piece t c Init
pieces = map (color Black) ts ++ map (color White) ts
pic = lookup (Piece t c Init) $ zip pieces gfx
maybe Blank id pic
A binary for Mac OSX is available.
- haskell_chess.zip - Unpack and execute