Even Fibonacci numbers

This is a solution for Even Fibonacci numbers.

fibonacci 0 = 1
fibonacci 1 = 1
fibonacci p = (fibonacci (p-1)) + (fibonacci (p-2))

-- fs is all even fibonacci number below 4000000
fs = [ fibonacci n | n <- [0..], fibonacci n < 4000000, even (fibonacci n) ]

-- get the sum of all these values
main = print $ sum fs

-- Notes:

-- test by showing the 5 first values of fs
-- main = print $ take 5 fs

-- even and sum is part of haskell
-- my_even and my_sum are re-implementations as an example

my_even n = n `mod` 2 == 0

my_sum [] = 0
my_sum [head:tail] = head + sum tail

This is obviously not a good solution, because it doesn't finish. For some reason haskell is not able to keep the previous calculations of fibonacci n in memory when the next is calculated so the performace is exponentially slow for higher numbers of fibonacci.

According to The Fibonacci sequence the naive implementation requires fib n additions. But I don't understand why results cannot be kept to limit number of additions to n.

A simplified variant do finish, but its not fast either.

fibonacci 0 = 1
fibonacci 1 = 1
fibonacci p = (fibonacci (p-1)) + (fibonacci (p-2))

-- get the sum of all these values
main = print $ sum $ filter (even) $ takeWhile (< 4000000) $ [ fibonacci  n | n <- [0..33] ]

Compile with optimization and it will work

ghc -O euler2.hs

Another more direct iterative solution is much more performant which results in 4613732.

-- add the next fibonacci number to an existing sequence
nextfib :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
nextfib []         = [1] 
nextfib (a:[])     = [1,1] 
nextfib (a:b:tail) = (a+b):a:b:tail 

fastfib :: Integer -> [Integer]
fastfib n = foldl (\s _ -> nextfib s) [] [1..n]

-- get the sum of the even fibonacci numbers below 4000000 among the first 50
main = print $ sum $ filter even $ takeWhile (< 4000000)  $ reverse $ fastfib 50

This one can calculate arbitrary size.