ARP upgrade

First connect to your server through VNC. Connect info is available through ARP Customer Control Panel.

I used the pre-installed Screen Sharing Utility in MacOS X to connect.

Use Finder and "Connect to Server" as follows:

<enter password>

Now you see your servers terminal. Login as root.

Set OpenBSD 5.4 amd64 ISO in Control Panel.


halt -p

Note that you need to reconnect the VNC server (with the password) during reboot. So have it handy.

If you cannot login and do halt it is possible to Power Off the system through the Control Panel (Shutdown may not be enough).

Choose "Boot" through Control Panel.

If you don't manage to press F12 you can reboot at boot prompt as well.

boot> reboot

Now choose F12 for boot menu.

Select option 3 for booting from cdrom.

The OpenBSD 5.4 installer is run through the cdrom. I chose to upgrade.

Choose cd0 for location of sets.

After upgrade has completed you can reboot the machine and select 2. Hard Drive instead of CD-ROM.

Now I got into a new problem. The following are recurring continuously during boot, but boot still completes eventually.

em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting

To solve this I found the following tip.

bsd -c
disable mpbios

Configure the kernel to keep config on next boot.

# config -e /bsd
ukc> disable mpbios
 53 mpbios0 disabled
ukc> quit

Complete the installation by upgrading the packages.

export PKG_PATH=
pkg_add -ui

And merging the configuration.

sysmerge -s
sysmerge -x

Finally finished upgrade.